Featured Product: PumpGuard System
Degradation and pump seal failures are the most common causes of fires in thermal fluid systems. This compromises employee safety and causes costly downtime. To address the hazard, Wechsler Technologies developed the PumpGuard Pump Protection System, designed specifically for high temperature thermal fluid pumps. Through the patent-pending design, the PumpGuard System combines preventative monitoring with active fire suppression to rapidly extinguish a potential fire before it has the chance to spread—all in a low-cost, easy-to-install package.
Key features/benefits:
Dual guard housing system with cooling air increases pump seal longevity and prevents fires from spreading
Dedicated system for each pump
Combines 3 layers of protection
Fail-safe operation using mechanical fire detection – no reliance on power
Several configuration options- customizable for your operation’s specific requirements and layout
Primary advantages over conventional methods:
Preventative instrumentation to detect early signs of failing equipment- allowing you to stop a fire before it even starts
Suppressant foam is much more localized, leading to more effective suppression and easier cleanup than conventional systems
Individual foam canisters do not degrade over time like the pressurized bladders common in full-room foam systems
Interested in reading more about the PumpGuard? Click here.
Or request to speak with one of our experience engineers here.